How to look at artificial intelligence course

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How to look at artificial intelligence course


I.The panic of artificial intelligence
II. Coping method for AI
III.Attitude change
IV.Artificial intelligence boundary
V. Artificial Intelligence Course


From last year to this year, AI is probably the most popular technology term in social media. In the era of AI, people are getting more and more aware of its boundaries and capabilities, and the fear of AI is also fading away.
How to look at artificial intelligence course

I.The panic of artificial intelligence

In 1996, IBM developed "super computer Deep Blue" defeated the world chess champion Kasparov, artificial intelligence began to enter the public view, and in 2016 AlphaGo won the genius chess player Li Shishi, so that the term artificial intelligence has been widely concerned. The dog overturned all human cognition of AI before.
super computer Deep Blue
Subsequently, a large number of chiefs expressed concern about AI. For example, Hocking said that the rise of AI may be the end of human civilization. Gates said that human beings need to revere the rise of AI, and AI will eventually pose a real threat. Artificial intelligence is the greatest threat to human existence. Artificial intelligence is like summoning the devil, Silicon Valley iron man. Meanwhile, all kinds of science fiction movies, such as terminator, increase people's fear of AI.

In a paper published last year in Bloomberg business weekly, "artificial intelligence baby is coming", in this article, the introduction of artificial intelligence baby, not only has the human appearance, even the brain and brain nerve structure is similar to human. The company that develops artificial intelligence says that if material science is developed enough, their artificial intelligence systems can be directly embedded in robots that are the same as human shapes. Isn't that the same as in the movie? They all have a sense that robots are self-conscious, and they will become similar to people, and they will be realized in a very short time. Of course, the approaching of singularity also deepened the fear of everyone.

II. Coping method for AI

Humans may be petrified, began to think of ways to deal with artificial intelligence. It can be seen from so many books on artificial intelligence published last year. "What we should do after robots take the place of human work," Fortune magazine says, "the way we do it is to send money and send you money every month if you have a job. This method has already been in the experiment.
Coping method for AI
What's the exception to the money? What else do we come up with? We believe that AI must also have moral sense. We used to say that we should be honest and kind-hearted, and there will be honest and good robots in the future. Besides this, we also think that we need to develop soft skills, such as emotional labor and so on.

III.Attitude change

But after a year's development, we find that our concern for AI is getting lower and lower. We think we can live in peace with AI. "Connect" magazine wrote in December last year, you don't have to be too afraid. AI is not so terrible. Meanwhile, in last month's Newsweek, AI will bring you new work plan.

So why does this change? To sum up in a word, human understanding of the boundary of AI is more and more clear. It's like we enter a dark house. What we fear is not necessarily what is inside. Twenty, we can't see what's in it. This fear for the unknown. As long as there is more and more light in the room, when we see it clearer, fear will also disappear.

IV.Artificial intelligence boundary

In the final analysis, how far is AI to it? Today's so called AI is the expansion of human intelligence. For example, with search engine, it has raised our knowledge area many times. With the help of translation machine, those who can't speak a foreign language increase their ability to speak at a draught. When listening to Professor Michael Jordan about artificial intelligence, it is good to follow the development of artificial intelligence now, and in the next ten years, it will be good to follow the human dialogue system and follow the human dialogue system in the next ten years. It seems that creativity, reasoning and abstraction are difficult for AI.
how far is AI to it
Looking back now, human transformation of AI attitude is in line with the law of human cognition of strange things. From fear to understanding, we think rationally, and finally live in harmony.

V. Artificial Intelligence Course

What is included in AI course? The field of AI has a long history and is constantly developing and changing. Take an example: What do self-driving cars,web search,face recognition,industrial robots have in common?They are all complex real world problems being solved with applications of intelligence (AI).This course will provide a broad understanding of the basic techniques for building intelligent computer systems and an understanding of how AI is applied to problems.
Choose Artificial Intelligence Course
In this course, you will learn the basic knowledge of modern AI and some representative applications of AI. In the process of learning, we also hope to arouse your interest in learning through various applications of artificial intelligence, and take you to explore the infinite possibilities in the field of artificial intelligence. AI will continue to enhance human ability and completely break through our imagination.
What will you learn in AI course? Some basics is :Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and intelligent agents, history of Artificial Intelligence
Building intelligent agents (search, games, logic, constraint satisfaction problems)
Machine Learning algorithms
Applications of AI (Natural Language Processing, Robotics/Vision)

Anyway,human being is in a Human beings are in a state of continuous development. Artificial intelligence is playing an important role for friends who are interested in AI.

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